Katie Cole
My name is Katie Cole and I am a mum of three and stepmum of two! Together with my partner Andrew we are the modern day ‘Brady Bunch’ and we joke we just need “Alice” to cook and clean for us! We live in magnificent Busselton WA and spend our weekends carting our ratbags to their much loved sports and trying to escape into the South-West when ever we can.
Young Living was the best YES of my life! It felt like I was waiting years for Young Living to cross my path when it finally did!
I found Young Living in October 2014 when my friend gave me a sample of Peace and Calming essential oil and said ‘put this on the soles of your feet tonight and it will help you sleep.’ I had always been a bad sleeper, often taking hours to drift off into a light sleep. So with this in mind I actually rolled my eyes at my friend and thought to myself its going to take more than a placebo effect to help me sleep!
I'm delighted to say I was 100% wrong and have been sleeping deeply and swiftly ever since. Young Living changed my life and it all started from this one sample of an oil.
I jumped in immediately with essential oils and continued to be impressed in so many other areas of my life where the oils just worked, amazingly! About 6 months into my journey, I realised that Young Living had helped me to create a chemical free / low tox home for my most precious ones — and that is something I love to teach.
There are too many ailments in society these days which weren’t common 30 years ago and what correlates very closely is the sharp increase in chemicals in our home. I want the very best for my family, so I made a conscious decision to remove harmful chemicals from my home. It feels like in some respects we have moved back to simpler times and for that I am eternally grateful.
My team is global and there are thousands of families that are using Young Living oils and products every single day and couldn’t imagine any other way! Because of Young Living, I have been able to visit the Young Living Farms in Croatia, Hawaii, Idaho, Utah and soon Ecador to see first hand the Seed to Seal practices.
When you join our community we show you how to save money by going Lox-Tox, we educate you on safety and how to get the best outcomes for you, your family and your pets. I can’t wait for you to start your wellness journey too.